News from the lab

ETH medal for doctoral thesis
23 February 2023
Dr. Dario Pfyffer, a former PhD candidate and postdoc of the group, was awarded the ETH medal 2022 at the ZNZ PhD Program in Neuroscience for his thesis "Investigation of structural, functional, and metabolic magnetic resonance biomarkers in the spinal cord and brain after spinal cord injury". (article)
Combining MRI and Magnetoencephalography
08 June 2022
Within the UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme, Patrick Freund has received funding for a joint project with colleagues from University College London (UCL). The project will develop a combined ultra-high-field (UHF) MRI and optically pumped MagnetoElectroencephalo-Spinography (OP-MESG) approach to measure cortico-spinal interactions during recovery of hand function following spinal cord injury. (article)

International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia (IRP) Schellenberg Research Prize
01 October 2020
Professor Patrick Freund has been awarded the 17th IRP Schellenberg Research Prize. The competition for the IRP Schellenberg Research Prize takes place every three years, the Prize awarded to researchers who, by the significance of their scientific contributions and their publications in scientific journals of renown, have furthered understanding of the development, lesion and regeneration processes relating to the spinal cord. Read more.

Brochure of Past and Present IRP Schellenberg Prize Winners
Press Release with Professor Patrick Freund (in German)
IRP Interview with Patrick Freund (in German)

Featured Article
18 August 2020
The group has made the cover of the latest issue of the Neurology journal; the most widely read and highly cited peer-reviewed neurology journal. This time, work done by Dario Pfyffer, Patrik O. Wyss, Eveline Huber, Armin Curt, Anke Henning, and Patrick Freund regarding neuroinflammatory metabolites and their relation to neuropathic pain after SCI has been featured.
Here is a link to their article.

Featured Article
15 October 2019
The group has made the cover of the latest issue of the Neurology journal; the most widely read and highly cited peer-reviewed neurology journal. This time, work done by Dario Pfyffer, Eveline Huber, Reto Sutter, Armin Curt, and Patrick Freund regarding tissue bridges predicting recovery after traumatic and ischemic thoracic SCI has been featured.
Here is a link to their article.

Swiss-German newspaper snippets covering the story:

Recovery from spinal cord injuries can be predicted
03 April 2018
The group has made the cover of the latest issue of the Neurology journal; the most widely read and highly cited peer-reviewed neurology journal. This time, work done by Gabriel Ziegler, Patrick Grabher, Alan Thompson, Daniel Altmann, Markus Hupp, John Ashburner, Karl Friston, Nikolous Weiskopf, Armin Curt, and Patrick Freund regarding progressive neurodegeneration following SCI has been featured.
Here is a link to their article.
Additionally, more information can be found regarding their work in an article by the University of Zürich (UZH) here.
A response by Freund et al. to Dr. Domingue can be found here.
The story has been covered extensively in the Swiss popular media, including the Schweizerische Depeschenagentur (SDA), Zürcher Oberländer, Zürcher Unterländer, Tages-Anzeiger, and Der Landbote (see PDF with newspaper snippets).
News & Views in Nature Reviews Neurology
October 2013
A commentary by David W Cadotte and Michael G Fehlings regarding the work of Patrick Freund et al. has been published in the latest issue of Nature Reviews Neurology and can be found here as well as PDF (see left).
News & Views
News Column (in German)
Lifeline Interview
Blog post
(in German)
Lancet Neurology News
01 September 2013
Patrick Freund and his colleagues' work has been published in the latest issue of The Lancet Neurology regarding the longitudinal MRI investigation of the sensorimotor cortex and corticospinal tract after acute SCI (article).
In addendum to the article is a commentary by David W Cadotte and Michael G Fehlings which can be found here as well as a PDF below. Additionally, a brief and personal 'Lifeline' interview can also be found here or as a PDF below.
Lastly, an additional news column and blog post (both in German) can also be found regarding the latest publication.